

07/27 (Sat)

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Bubonic Plague, Cholera and Influenza in the History of Communicable Diseases in Taiwan(1895-1920)

In view of the prevailing COVID-19 pandemic, the Institute of Taiwan History has chosen ‘Outbreaks of Bubonic Plague, Cholera and Influenza in Taiwan under Japanese Rule’ as the theme of the exhibition for the 2020 Academia Sinica Open House. A selection of photographs, illustrations of publications, postcards, official documents, diaries and other collections bears witness to the history of how the inhabitants of this island fought against communicable diseases a century ago.

A Brief Journey through Tainanfu, Lugang, and Bangkah
A Brief Journey through Tainanfu, Lugang, and Bangkah

Author: Huang Hsiang-chi |Staff member of the Archives of the Institute of Taiwan History
Photo: Archives of the Institute of Taiwan History and the Palace Museum in Peking
Translated by Chen Han-shu

Taiwan, located in the midst of Northeast and Southeast Asian international trade routes, has been an important traffic and trading spot since the seventeen century. Due to its geographical importance and features, Taiwan was a competitive stronghold for countries involved in the Age of Discovery. Its occupation by the Netherlands, Spain, Koxinga in the Ming Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty and Japan helped Taiwan occupy a large role in the World History.

Tainanfu (in Tainan), Lugang (in Changhua), and Bangkah (in Taipei) were commercial ports and financial centers of Taiwan. These three cities symbolized the prosperous trading histories and witnessed the commercial development of Taiwan in contemporary history. This article investigates records related to the Qing official Shen Bao-zhen, the Hsu family enterprise in Lugang, and the Chen family enterprise Tai-yi hao, guiding readers along a brief journey through these three port cities.

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