

07/27 (Sat)

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Where did I Leave My Footprints? Lin Xian-tang’s Journey to Europe
Lin Xian-tang (1881-1956), one of the figures in Traveling in Time Exhibition, was the leader of the Lin Family from Wufeng, Taichung. On May 15, 1927, he took the Fengshan Ferry from the Keelung Port with his two sons Pan-long and You-long starting to travel around in Europe and America. They spent 378 days visiting ten countries including the United Kingdom, the United States, France, Italy, Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain and Switzerland. In his diary, Lin Xian-tang wrote of what he had seen in his journey and hoped to broaden Taiwanese’s knowledge of Western culture. Now, let’s follow Lin’s steps by reading The Diary of Mr. Guan-yuan in 1927 to visit Europe!

In order to further develop historical research in Taiwan and promote the use of archival materials to serve academics, the Archives of the Institute of Taiwanese History (the ITH Archives) collects important archives relating to Taiwan’s history not only in Taiwan but also abroad. Some archives are donations and some are purchases. The archives can be classified based on their source into three categories: Personal Papers and Collections, Family and Folk Papers and Institutional Archives. After our fellows reorganize archives, we welcome people to retrieve the materials. In addition, the ITH Archives also provides services such as reproduction, digital image authorization, reference consultation and guided tours for the public. Related information and service introductions are as follows. We fully welcome everyone to utilize the sources of the ITH Archives.

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