

07/27 (Sat)

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Her History in Taiwan
The Archives of the Institute of Taiwan History (ITH) at Academia Sinica holds a wide variety of historical sources pertaining to women of Taiwan; these materials date back to the Qing dynasty and can be examined from three aspects— “Traditional Women,” “Transition of Fate,” and “Self Expression.” They illustrate how Taiwanese women emerged from traditional family to modern job market and social activities with activism and independence.The collections of marriage documents, contracts, photographs, diaries, and personal documents presented here are selected from the digital archives of the ITH.
Digital Content Value-added System

On the basis of research done by the Institute of Taiwan History of Academia Sinica, the ITH Archives established publicly accessible digital value-added systems including the Taiwan Collectanea Search System, Taiwan Diary Knowledge Bank, Taiwan Sotokufu Personnel Directory, Taiwan Government-General Passport Issuance System and Taiwan Collectanea Online. Access to all systems is free of charge. The content and usage are as follows:

  1. Taiwan Collectanea Search System
    The System collects the Taiwan Collectanea published from 1957 to 1972 by the Economic Research Office of Taiwan Bank. There are 311 kinds of books with near 50 million words in the database. This system serves users with full-text search and e-book browsing. We fully welcome everyone to utilize Taiwan Collectanea Search System.

  2. Taiwan Diary Knowledge Bank
    The ITH Archives established Taiwan Diary Knowledge Bank by applying the techniques of Wiki platform. This database includes the full-text and annotations of diaries which were published by the Institute of Taiwan History and other relevant institutions. There are 15 personal diaries and 1 organizational journal open for public to access so far. The whole content is composed of over 16 million words and about 56 thousands articles. The diaries will keep editing and uploading in the future. Anyone who already registers an account with a valid e-mail can view the diaries online for free.

  3. Taiwan Sotokufu Personnel Directory
    This database includes the personnel directory published by Taiwan Government-General (Taiwan Sotokufu) in the Japanese colonial period from 1896 to 1944. This personnel directory recorded the appointment information of the Taiwan Governor-General, administrators, local employees and so on. Detailed information includes the staff’s department, name, position, wage, registered birthplace, address, etc. This database contains 950 thousand names of the employees. The system is mainly used for browsing organizational structure, searching names and viewing the personnel directory through an e-book mode. It is open to the public and free of charge.

  4. Taiwan Government-General Passport Issuance System
    This database contains more than 200,000 records of application for passports by citizens in Taiwan for overseas travels between 1897 and 1942, and around 4,000 records of passports issued by the Japanese consulates in China from 1926 to 1944. These registries are first-hand historical records of overseas travels of Taiwanese during the Japanese colonial era. The catalog and the full-text are open to the public and the system provides basic, advanced and extended search, post categorization, as well as passport browsing by piece and by year.

  5. Taiwan Collectanea Online
    This database was revamped and opened in 2024. It includes the existing ‘Taiwan Collectanea Search System,’ which contains nearly 50 million words of full-text data. Additionally, it integrates digital content from recent years related to the ‘Taiwan Shinminpo,’ encompassing news headlines, author contributions, editorials, essays, and overseas travel accounts. The total word count exceeds 12 million words, and new data will continue to be added.

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