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Let’s read newspaper-Contents of The Taiwan Shinminpo and Kounan Shinbun

Publication date: 04 Jul 2022
Author: Lee Yi-ling |Staff member of the Archives of Institute of Taiwan History

The Taiwan Minpao, The Taiwan Shinminpo and the subsequent Kounan Shinbun (Kounan News) constituted the newspaper series published between April 1923 and March 1944. However, surviving copies of the daily published since 1932 were few. In view of the importance of this newspaper series, the Institute of Taiwan History began gathering remaining copies both in Taiwan and abroad, and discovered an exclusive collection of The Taiwan Shinminpo (1938-1941). The newspapers carried diverse contents, including political and economic affairs, local news, arts and new knowledge, which are rare and precious historical materials for research on Taiwan history during World War II.

Reviewing the daily newspapers published since April 1932, this article attempts to elucidate the layout format and language use as well as main contents and subject matters covered in the columns. Moreover, it further analyzes the particularity and variations in choice of contents as time evolved and the environment changed. This article provides an in-depth introduction to this newspaper of the Taiwanese, and invites you to read the newspaper and revisit major and minor happenings of Taiwan past.

III. Lin’s Footsteps in Denmark

On October 27, Lin Xian-tang visited Copenhagen, Denmark. That day was a drizzling day. Lin and his sons toured all over the Langelinie Park. In the park, there is a bronze statue featuring a large-scale group of animal figures being driven by the Norse goddess Gefjon, which shows the importance of agriculture for Denmark. Because of the Gefjon Fountain, Lin Xian-tang figured out the reasons why the industrial development was not thriving in Denmark. That was because Denmark did not produce needed resources, which were coal and iron, for its industrial development. Many countries developing their manufacturing industry well had fewer agricultural resources; while Denmark’s agricultural exports were enough to support a country. Even though Denmark was a small country, people were able to be self-sufficient. As a result, people in Denmark did not have to join the competition in the international market. They were just happily being themselves. In addition, Lin also saw the famous little mermaid statue on the rock, which colored the beauty of the scenery by the seaside. (see Figure 5)

Figure 5: The Diary of Mr. Guan-yuan on October 27, 1927.
(Source: The Diary of Mr. Guan-yuan, the digital archives of the Archives of Institution of Taiwan History)

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