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Archives Related to the February 28 Incident and the White Terror

Publication date: Feb 2017
Author: Hsieh Min-ro |Staff member of the Archives of Institute of Taiwan History

2017 marked the 70th anniversary of the February 28 Incident and 30 years since the martial law was lifted. Although the February 28 Incident and the White Terror are not forbidden topics in Taiwan society, many relevant archives are yet to be acquired and disclosed. Since its establishment, the Institute of Taiwan History has striven to collect folk papers, such as the following records related to the February 28 Incident and the White Terror: Historical Materials Related to the February 28 Incident and White Terror, Yang Zhao-jia Collection, Chen Cheng-po Paintings and Papers, Yeh Sheng-ji Papers, Chen Wen-xing Papers, Chen Zhong-tong Papers, The Diary of Lin Xian-tang, and The Diary of Wu Xin-rong.

IV. Lin’s Footsteps in France

On November 14, Lin and his sons arrived at the City of Light, which referred to Paris. In his diary, Lin Xian-tang thought Paris had both lightness and darkness, but there was more good than bad. In his diary, Lin said the streets in Paris were beautiful and ordered. Also, the historical sites in Paris could remind people of history. In addition, Paris was an international city where many visitors visited. As a result, it was common for citizens in Paris to meet foreigners. In other words, Parisians did not regard foreigners as outsiders, which was totally different from people in other countries. In fact, people who had not visited Paris usually imagined Paris as a beautiful city. In their mind, the life in Paris must be luxurious and dissolute. In fact, most of the Parisians had a plain life. Even though there were some streets with many places of entertainment, the places were actually mainly for foreigners. This is so called a little darkness in light. (See Figure 6 & 7)

Figure 6: The Diary of Mr. Guan-yuan on November 14, 1927.
(Source: The Diary of Mr. Guan-yuan, the digital archives of the Archives of Institution of Taiwan History)
Figure 7: The Paris Station and Porte Saint-Denis.
(Source: Michael H.Finegan Collections, the digital archives of the Archives of Institution of Taiwan History)

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