

07/27 (Sat)

Closed Today

The Photographic Materials of Michael H. Finegan Collections
Michael H. Finegan Collections of the Archives of the Institution of Taiwan History include copious photographs and post cards. In addition, many photographic materials stored in the Institution of Taiwan History were collected from our researchers or donated by private collectors. These materials feature a wide range of topics and they are very precious. The Preparatory Office of the Institute of Taiwan History and the Institute of Folk Arts of Taipei National University of the Arts cooperated on the project “Taiwan Visual Memory Digitization and Preservation Project.” We jointly revised and established an appropriate photographic database and its field design from 2002 to 2004. Now, the result of the digitization project is merged into Taiwan Archival Information System and is searchable online.
2019 Academia Sinica Open House Day was Successfully Concluded!

On the Open House Day, the Institute of Taiwan History selected trade letters related to Chinese herbal medicine from the significant archives: Tai-yi Hao Papers of Nagasaki (1889-1959). The exhibition, Kang, Tai, Yi, Shou—Taipei Commercial Letters Related to Chinese Herbal Medicine, featured correspondence between Tai-yi Hao and stores in Taipei. It presented the import process of the herbal medicine, such as American ginseng, edible bird's nest from Thailand and Vietnam, Korean ginseng, snow fungus, and Kanto velvet antler. The medicine had been displayed in shop windows in Dadaocheng in the colonial period, attracting customers to buy for recovering from or preventing illness.

Except for the profound exhibitions, our interactive activity was inviting the audience to play a computer game. In this game, the player would be a staff member of Tai-yi Hao. They had to arrange goods in the storehouse and identify the Suzhou codes in time to complete the challenges. Many audiences gave feedback on this game and said “it is intellectual and enjoyable.”

The Exhibition Area

The Interactive Area

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