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The Taiwan Shinminpo News Special – Reopening Ceremony of the Taichung Railway Line in 1938

Publication date: 1 Dec 2023
Author: Lee Yi-ling, Kawashima Naoko |Staff member of the Archives of Institute of Taiwan History

The Taiwan Shinminpo was the only newspaper published by Taiwanese during the Japanese colonial era, representing the voices of the Taiwanese people in contrast to the official stance of the Taiwan Nichinichi Shinpo. Its reports covered a wide range of topics, making it a rich source for diverse research subjects.

On July 14-15, 1938, Taiwan Shinminpo published a special issue for two consecutive days titled "Celebrating the Restoration of the Taichung Line," totaling four full pages. This commemorated the reopening of the Taichung railway line, which had been severed since the 1935 Hsinchu-Taichung earthquake. This earthquake caused numerous casualties and severed north-south transportation, significantly affecting local society and economy. Through archived newspapers, diaries, photos, old documents, and maps, this article revisits the scene of the 1935 earthquake, reviewing Taiwan's most severe natural disaster in history and the subsequent reconstruction efforts.

"Papers of Ikeda Kōjin" Now Online

Ikeda Kōjin (1884-1924), a graduate of Tokyo Imperial University’s Law School, was the ninth chief of the Taiwan Sotokufu Monopoly Bureau. From a low-ranking legal bureaucrat to a prominent civil official, he made a great impact on Taiwan’s monopoly system that generated huge revenue for the Japanese colonial government. Besides, the contacts he built between Taiwan and Guangdong, including Hainan Island, was also noteworthy.

Documents and manuscripts left by Ikeda Kōjin during his career life and records regarding his funeral were originally archived in the National Institute of Japanese Language. Through the “International Collaboration of Taiwan Historical Resources Acquisition Project,” the Institute of Taiwan History obtained the digital images of Ikeda’s papers, such as meeting minutes and attendance records, work logs, as well as list of his belongings.

Therefore, this collection (1910-1924) not only is comparable to the “Archives of the Monopoly Bureau of Taiwan Government under Japanese rule,” but also provides us an important source on observing a colonial official’s material life, bureaucratic interactions and networks, opium and camphor trade, activities of the Taiwanese in Southeast Asia, as well as the Government-General’s “Southward Advanced Policy.”

The collection of "Papers of Ikeda Kōjin" can be accessed through the “Taiwan Archival Information System” now.


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