

12/07 (Sat)

Closed Today

Yang Yun-ping Papers (楊雲萍文書)

Author: The Archives of Institute of Taiwan History

Yang Yun-ping was one of the founders of the “Everyone”, the first vernacular literary magazine in Taiwan. He was mentored by Kawabata Yasunari and Kan Kikuchi when studied at the Institute of Japanese Culture in Japan, and that made great impact on his creative style. Yang began to dedicate himself to researches on Taiwan history and culture after returning to Taiwan, and got a teaching job at Department of History, National Taiwan University in 1947. The Yung Yun-ping Papers contains various forms of correspondence with government agencies, non-government organizations, and individuals as well as his manuscripts, with coverage date from the mid period of Japanese rule to post-war period.

100 Years of Taiwanese Voice & 30th Anniversary of ITH
100 Years of Taiwanese Voice & 30th Anniversary of ITH

Publication date: 20 Oct 2023
Author: The Archives of Institute of Taiwan History

The 30th anniversary of the ITH coincides in 2023 with the centennial of the launching of ‘Taiwan Minpao.’ Both institutions are important milestones for the people of Taiwan coming into the process of exercising their self-awareness, voicing their opinions accordingly and forging a consensus around the issue. With ‘100 Years of Taiwanese Voice’ and ‘30th Anniversary of ITH’ as focal points, the exhibition makes use of specially selected diaries, newspapers, old books, manuscripts and photographs retracing the 1920s and how contemporary Taiwanese popularized ideas by means of the press, thereby sowing the seeds of conviction for change. The founding and subsequent development of the ITH help to explore Taiwan’s journey from the yoke of martial law to the state of diversity as well as the evolution of Taiwanese history from a marginal academic discipline to a new frontier in mainstream academic research.

2023/8/15-12/10 Monday to Friday: 9 am – 5 pm 
Group Appointments on Saturday.

128 Academia Rd., Section 2, Nangang, Taipei 11529
Joint Library of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2nd Floor, Academia Sinica.
Tour Guide Appointments by Phone: +886-(2)-2652-5181
Tour Guide Appointments by Email: twharch@gate.sinica.edu.tw

11F., South Wing, Building for Humanities and Social Sciences, 128, Sec. 2, Academia Rd., Nangang Dist., Taipei City 11529,
Taiwan Tel: +886-2-2652-5181 Fax: +886-2-2652-5184 【Contact us
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