

07/27 (Sat)

Closed Today

Bubonic Plague, Cholera and Influenza in the History of Communicable Diseases in Taiwan(1895-1920)

In view of the prevailing COVID-19 pandemic, the Institute of Taiwan History has chosen ‘Outbreaks of Bubonic Plague, Cholera and Influenza in Taiwan under Japanese Rule’ as the theme of the exhibition for the 2020 Academia Sinica Open House. A selection of photographs, illustrations of publications, postcards, official documents, diaries and other collections bears witness to the history of how the inhabitants of this island fought against communicable diseases a century ago.

Good news! The Reading Room will be open through lunch hour from April 1st onwards.
In order to provide our readers with a better service, our Historical Records Reading Room will be open through lunch hour from April 1st onwards.

The opening hours will be from 9am to 5pm uninterruptedly during weekdays. Please note that, except online catalogues and copying services, enquiries for accessing original copies of historical records will not be available during the lunch hour. Thank you for your understanding.

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