

09/16 (Mon)

Opening Hours 9:00-17:00

Du Xiang-guo Papers (杜香國文書)

Author: The Archives of Institute of Taiwan History

Du Xiang-guo was a member of local gentry and industrialist in Dajia Town, Taichung County. His father, Du Qing, was dedicated to improving quality of Dajia Straw hats and mats and exporting them to Europe and the United States. Being a successor of his father’s business, Du Xiang-guo was active in manufacturing and financial industry. The Du Xiang-guo Papers, with coverage date from 1908 to 1946, contains his correspondence on business matters, diaries during attending schools, and literary works.

"Taiwan Diary Knowledge Bank" Now Online for Test Purpose

The “Taiwan Diary Knowledge Bank” (URL: http://taco.ith.sinica.edu.tw/tdk/) on a wiki platform is established by digital archives group at Institute of Taiwan History (ITH). Now it is online for test purpose, and regular researchers of Academia Sinica have access to it. Other users can use it at Historical Records Reading Room, ITH.

This database embodies useful and precious published dairies, including dairies of Chang Li-jun (1906-1937) and diaries of Lin Hsien-t'ang (1927-1940, dairies from 1941 to 1955 will soon be added one after another), inclusive of the full text and annotations attached to them. Users are able to browse the dairy articles by date, and perform full-text search.

Diaries are daily records of one feels and acts, and also the records of social change. They are important historical materials for studying personal history, family history, and the development of economy, society and politics.

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