

02/05 (Wed)

Opening Hours 9:00-17:00

Yang Yun-ping Papers (楊雲萍文書)

Author: The Archives of Institute of Taiwan History

Yang Yun-ping was one of the founders of the “Everyone”, the first vernacular literary magazine in Taiwan. He was mentored by Kawabata Yasunari and Kan Kikuchi when studied at the Institute of Japanese Culture in Japan, and that made great impact on his creative style. Yang began to dedicate himself to researches on Taiwan history and culture after returning to Taiwan, and got a teaching job at Department of History, National Taiwan University in 1947. The Yung Yun-ping Papers contains various forms of correspondence with government agencies, non-government organizations, and individuals as well as his manuscripts, with coverage date from the mid period of Japanese rule to post-war period.

Related Collections and References

I. The Archives of Institute of Taiwan History

  1. Map of Damage from the 1935 Hsinchu-Taichung EarthquakeTaiwan Great Earthquake Part 1, Part 3, Photos Related to the Taiwan Earthquake of 1935 Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Commemorative Pictorial of the Taiwan Great Earthquake of 1935, Post-Earthquake Hygiene Guidelines, Yang Zhao-jia Collection (LJK).

  2. 1935 Diary of Huang Wangcheng, Huang Wang-cheng and Huang Ji-tu Papers (T0765).

  3. Historical Photos of June 1935, Collection of documents related to Taiwan by Yuji Mita (T1083).

  4. Clippings from concerts involving Gao Ci-mei, Commemorative Gathering of the Earthquake Charity Concert Tour in Caotun, Program and Admission Tickets for the "Hsinchu-Taichung Earthquake Charity Concert, Commemorative Photo Album of the Charity Concert, Gao Ci-mei Papers (3GCM).

  5. Taiwan Transport Route Map, Da'an River, View from the Third Tunnel to the Fourth through Seventh Tunnels, Michael H. Finnegan Collection (T0203).

  6. Taiwan Shinminpo No. 2673 (1938-07-14) and No. 2674 (1938-07-15), Records of The Taiwan Shinminpo (T1119).

  7. Personal and Family Photos, Miyoshi Tokusaburo Papers (T0875).

II. Taiwan Diary Knowledge Bank

  1. Diary of Lin Hsien-tang, 1935.

  2. Diary of Chang Li-jun, 1935.

  3. Memoir of Miyoshi Tokusaburo, 1938.

III. References

  1. Government-General of Taiwan, Taiwan Earthquake Record of 1935, Taipei: Government-General of Taiwan, 1936.

  2. Taichung Earthquake Recovery Office, The Taiwan Railway Earthquake Record of 1935, Taichung: Taichung Earthquake Recovery Office, 1939.

  3. Sen Hsuan-hsiung, Wu Jui-Yun, The Great Taiwan Earthquake - Documentary of the 1935 Central Taiwan Earthquake, Taipei: Yuan-Liou, 1996.

  4. Chen Yi-Hung, Communities on the Earthquake Belt - Taiwan-Japan Earthquakes in History, Tainan: National Museum of Taiwan History, 2017.

  5. Li Yu-lan, “Descriptions of Earthquakes in Diaries - A Case Study of the 1935 Hsinchu-Taichung Earthquake”, Feng Chia Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 44 (June 2022): 83-122.

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