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A Brief Journey through Tainanfu, Lugang, and Bangkah

Publication date: 14 Oct 2015
Author: Huang Hsiang-chi |Staff member of the Archives of Institute of Taiwan History

Taiwan has been an important stronghold in the Pacific Ocean since the Age of Discovery. Tainanfu, Lugang, and Bangkah were three critical commercial port cities that played a crucial role in the trading history of Taiwan. These three cities witnessed Taiwan’s involvement in the international trade zone and symbolized its busy business activities starting in the seventeenth century. This article investigates records created by a Qing official Shen Bao-zhen, the Hsu family enterprise in Lugang, and the Chen family enterprise in Nagasaki to illustrate the rich history of these three port cities.

IV. Archival Material Retrieval Services

On July 15, 1987, former president Chiang Ching-kuo finally declared that the 38-years, 56-day Taiwan Martial Law was lifted. 2017 was the 70th anniversary of the February 28 Incident and also marked 30 years since martial law was lifted. Although most of the people who lived through those years are old or have passed away, the wounds from the massacre have not healed, and continues to influence generations. With the development of democracy in Taiwan, the February 28 Incident and White Terror are not forbidden topics anymore. However, efforts are still needed to reveal the true history of the events. Through archives acquisition, disclosure, and investigation, researchers are gradually unveiling the concealed truth that was muted under martial law. The Institute of Taiwan History makes efforts to investigate the truth of the February 28 Incident, such as acquiring and publishing related historical materials, and holds conferences as “New Materials and Research on the February 28 Incident” and “Commemorating the February 28 Incident of 1947: A 70-year Retrospective.”

For more information about Institutional Archives and Personal Papers, please refer to the Taiwan Archival Information System.

For full-texts and annotated diaries, please refer to the Taiwan Diary Knowledge Bank.

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