

03/07 (Fri)

Opening Hours 9:00-17:00

Travel Memories— School Excursion in the Archives of the Institute of Taiwan History

Publication date: 12 Mar 2018
Author: Ou Yi-han |Staff member of the Archives of Institute of Taiwan History

On Open House Day in 2017, the Institute of Taiwan History featured “Travel Memories-Journeys and Experiences in the Diaries”. The exhibition selected contents of The Diary of Ye Sheng-ji and relative photographs, postcards, itineraries, representing travel memories during the Japanese colonial period. Let us follow the travelers’ steps and enjoy impressive scenery through viewing abundant archives and experiencing a busy school excursion!

Collection Details

The “Du Xiang-guo Papers” contains his correspondence with individuals, government agencies, and civil societies, as well as various forms of documents and manuscripts. The collection spanned from the Japanese colonial era to the early postwar period.

There are several kinds of correspondences in the collection, including correspondences with his family members, relatives-in-law, colleagues and friends, letters on business matters, as well as social activities. Those correspondences are not only with friends he met in the Taiwan Governor-General’s National Language School but also with his Japanese colleagues of Dajia Elementary School. Letters on business matters are correspondences with different agencies regarding Du’s investment, cash flow, relevant business negotiations, and civil disputes. Letters on social activities include the correspondences with Taiwanese as well as Japanese people and organizations, and the contents of them are all-inclusive, such as season’s greetings, weddings and funerals, invitations to parties and gatherings, trivial matters of daily life, discussion on thoughts or sharing of feeling and so on. Moreover, there are Du’s correspondences with literary friends, who are literati with the same interest in literary creation as Du.

In addition to his correspondences, the “Du Xiang-guo Papers” also contains poetry works, personal manuscripts, and personal collection. In addition to Du’s personal works, his works for taking part in competitions with friends and gifts for friends are also included in the category of poetry works. In the category of personal manuscripts, there are Du’s diary and documents created during his schooldays in Taiwan Governor-General’s National Language School, drafts about his correspondences, and notes on random thoughts and business matters such as land trading. As for the personal collection, various types of documents, books, newspapers and photographs are included.

System of Arrangement

Being arranged in accordance with nature and subject of documents, there are seven series in the “Du Xiang-guo Papers”, including "Family and relatives-in-law", “colleagues and friends from schools", "business activities", "social activities", "cultural activities", "Personal manuscripts", and "Personal Collection" formed by 20 files, 556 items, with total number of more than 8,000 pages. Collections are listed below.

  • DS00 Correspondence with Family and Relatives-in-law 家族姻親函件
    • DS00_01 Correspondence with Family
    • DS00_02 Correspondence with Relatives-in-law
  • DS01 Correspondence with Colleagues and Friends 學校師友函件
    • DS01_01 Correspondence with Friends from Taiwan Governor-General’s National Language School 臺灣總督府國語學校校友書信
    • DS01_02 Correspondence with Colleagues from Dajia Elementary School 大甲公學校同事書信
  • DS02 Correspondence on Business Activities 實業界活動函件
    • DS02_01 Correspondence with Taiwanese People 臺灣人士書信
    • DS02_02 Correspondence with Japanese People 日本人士書信
    • DS02_03 Correspondence with Taiwanese Agencies 臺灣機關書信
    • DS02_04 Correspondence with Foreign Agencies 國外機關書信
    • DS02_05 Copies of Correspondence on Business Negotiation 商業交涉底稿複寫
  • DS03 Correspondence on Social Activities 社會活動函件
    • DS03_01 Correspondence with Taiwanese People 臺灣人士書信
    • DS03_02 Correspondence with Japanese People 日本人士書信
    • DS03_03 Correspondence with Local Agencies 地方機關團體書信
  • DS04 Literary Works and Correspondence with Literary Friends 藝文作品與函件
    • DS04_01 Personal Literary Works 個人詩文作品
    • DS04_02 Literary Works by Friends 文友詩文稿
    • DS04_03 Correspondence with Literary Friends 文友往來書信
  • DS05 Personal Manuscripts 手稿
    • DS05_01 Diary and Documents Created During Schooldays in Taiwan Governor-General’s National Language school 臺灣總督府國語學校時期日記與文件
    • DS05_02 Manuscripts and Notes
  • DS06 Personal Collections 個人收藏
    • DS06_01 Documents 文件
    • DS06_02 Books, Newspapers, and Magazines 圖書報刊
    • DS06_03 Photos 照片

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